Fór í stjörnukorta-, human design- og gene keys lestur hjá Jöru. Það var ekkert smá gott að fara til hennar, kynnast sjálfum sér, skilja sig betur og fá hvatningu.
Lærði með human design hvernig ég á að nýta mér innsæið til að taka ákvarðanir, hvað þýðir nákvæmlega að vera generator og hvað undefined eða defined centers þýða.
Svo fór hún auðvitað djúpt í stjörnukortalestur og það er ótrúlegt hvað ég var að tengja við allt sem hún sagði!
Mæli svo mikið með þessu fyrir alla sem eru opnir fyrir því að skilja sjálft sig betur, svo er Jara líka með svo róandi og góða orku”
Brynja Kúla Guðmundsdóttir – Astrology + Human Design + Gene Keys Reading
“I had an astrology and tarot reading with Gian Tara. She is really wonderful and warm and full of wisdom. I learned many new things about myself, got good advice and a new way of seeing many things. She gets 5 hearts from me.”
Ýr Bergsteinsdóttir – Soul Journey Astrology Reading
“Jara Gian Tara is a true healer. She helped me work through some major limiting beliefs and created a plan of action for me that felt safe, accessible and fun.
Her intuitive understanding of knowing the exact right thing to say, and vast knowledge of healing modalities made our time together unlike anything I’ve ever done.
She integrated her astrology and kundalini practices with her background as a life coach to empower me to tackle the questions that I came with.
I especially loved her approach to astrology – she uses it as a tool to give insight into the soul, to affirm strengths and weaknesses, and allow for more self compassion and healing.
She was willing to go above and beyond which made me feel cared for the whole way. I am so grateful to know her and to have worked with her!”
Rachel Sumner – Cosmic Coaching
“It was an amazing experience to work with Jara.
I am much more self-aware. When I find myself in stressful situations now, I know why I react the way I do and know that I have a choice to react differently.
For example, I am more aware of the Cancer element in me. I have a tendency to put up a wall of defence, much more than I realised. Knowing that about myself is very helpful both at work and at home.
I thought it was incredible how I managed to open up to “abundance”. It’s crazy how quickly things can happen when you open up to it. When I started working with Jara Gian Tara, I was quitting my job and looking for a new job. She helped me a lot through that process and I am now in a new position where I am much more satisfied and with a much better income.
I’ve also been writing down new moon intentions and it’s amazing, they just all come true.
I am happy that I chose the longer container because the weeks are so short. I started out with 6 weeks but then extended it to 3 months. It was good to go through the ups and downs with Jara and be guided through them.
I definitely recommend this to those who are considering Cosmic Coaching with Jara Gian Tara.”
H. – Cosmic Coaching