International Astrologer

Create a life of authentic freedom & fulfillment

Break free from outdated beliefs and craft a life aligned with who you really are - your unique values, dreams and personal vision

Are you ready to live a life that feels aligned with your true self? My Astrology & Human Design guidance, Coaching and Courses are designed for those who are seeking deeper fulfilment, authentic self-expression, and the freedom to follow their unique path.

  Together, we’ll release outdated beliefs, embrace your individuality, and craft a life that reflects your inner desires.

 Whether you’re navigating career changes, relationships, or a search for greater purpose, I’ll help you step into your deep  power.

It’s time to live fully and freely.

Life gets to be magical when you lean into our true self and decide to own your power.

I am here to help you reconnect to your magic, find your gifts and bring them out into the world. 

Ready to start your authentic path?

Who am I?

Astrology, Human Design

Hi, my name is Jara Gian Tara and I am a student + Guide of the Mystical arts.

I am a 6/2 Splenic Projector and a Pisces Sun, Scorpio Moon with Sagittarius rising.

According to my astrology and Human design I am here to go to the depths of human knowledge (Sagittarius + Scorpio) and the mystical realms (Pisces) and from my explorations into the mystical, rise from the depths as a wise Guide and role model to others humans (6/2 Projector) using my strong intuition (Splenic authority). My Mercury in Aries + Gate 17 makes it super easy for me to see and understand patterns and find solutions.

I am a mother of two and spent most of my 30s, until my first Saturn return, in trial and error mode. To be honest, it felt like mostly error… I am a musician and I have released a couple of albums and written music for many theatre productions, short films, art installations and a feature length documentary.

I have been studying astrology and mysticism all of my life, since I was a child. When nobody was interested in it, I was studying it. 

  The reason I use astrology is because it works, once you understand the language. 
And like any art and science, you can always go deeper.

I am also a practicing yogi, a kundalini yoga teacher and student of cosmic shamanism. It sounds more woowoo than it is.
I just work with energy, which is all there is anyways…

I sometimes call myself a mystic. The word mystic means one who has had direct experience of the divine. Because I have and I do all the time when I remember to get out of my own way. 

For me God is everywhere, all the time. Everything is Sacred.

But most of all I am an artist of life. 

And a Medicine Woman. 

The medicine I bring is transformation, freedom and deep self-knowledge.




List of Fixed Stars in Zodiacal order


Your birth chart holds the key to understanding your deepest desires, challenges, and potential. 

You were born with a Map of who you are. This is your birth chart.

You are UNIQUE. 

Through my personalised 1:1 Astrology readings, you’ll gain clarity on your true path, release limiting beliefs, and uncover the unique gifts that will guide you toward a more aligned and fulfilling life.

With these readings, you’ll:

  • Discover Your Inner Truth: Gain insight into what truly fulfils you at your core.
  • Embrace Your Uniqueness: Understand how your unique cosmic blueprint can empower you to live more authentically.
  • Navigate Life’s Transitions: Receive guidance on career shifts, relationship dynamics, and personal growth, all grounded in your astrological chart.

Your cosmic map is waiting to reveal the life you’re destined to live. Let’s uncover it together. 

I have deep respect for Astrology and I have deep respect for my clients.


Human design reading

Your Human Design chart is the roadmap to living in alignment with who you truly are. 

Through a 1:1 personalised reading, you’ll gain clarity on your life’s purpose, tap into your natural strengths, and learn how to make decisions that honor your authentic self.

In your Human Design reading, you’ll:

  • Unlock Your Unique Potential: Understand how to live and work in flow with your natural energy. understanding the Energetics of your Unique Human Design.
  • Release Conditioning: Break free from societal expectations and outdated beliefs that no longer serve you. Human Design can show you exactly where your conditioning lies and how to de-condition from it.
  • Create a Life of Alignment: Learn to make empowered choices that bring you closer to your true path and deepest fulfilment.


Your journey to living authentically begins with understanding your design.



Welcome to Your Cosmic Transformation

Unlock the power of Astrology, Human Design and psychology to live a life that’s deeply aligned with your soul’s true path. 

My cosmic coaching merges ancient wisdom with modern insights, helping you break free from limiting beliefs, embrace your uniqueness, and create a life that feels both purposeful and authentic.

Guided by the transformative energy of your chart, we’ll work together to:

  • Align with Your True Values: Create lasting fulfilment through clarity and self-awareness.
  • Break Free from Old Patterns: Release outdated beliefs and embrace your unique vision for life.
  • Live Authentically: Step into your personal power and craft a life that reflects your deepest desires.

It’s time to embrace your cosmic potential and live fully.



“I really loved the reading with you! I understood deeper connections and aspects of my natal chart and how to work in alignment with it, even though I already had it read before. I feel so well prepared for the transits coming my way this year, with the pragmatic and at the same time so sophisticated strategies you offered me. You reignited my love for studying astrology and follow the cosmic weather, and reaffirmed my soul’s longing and purpose. I left the reading mind-blown and heart-full and recommend you to my friend the same evening at dinner. Thank you for everything!”

Franka Rauch – Soul Journey Astrology + Astro Weather

“Thank you so much for the astrological reading and the wisdom you shared in the autumn equinox class Jara! I received so many blessings from your chart reading. I loved the enthusiasm, kindness and care you brought to every aspect of the reading. I felt deeply comforted and joyful to listen to your observations of my chart, and I felt truly seen by you.

The parts of my chart that might have been deemed “good” or “bad” by another reader were explained by you with no judgement and all love. I felt completely guided towards my reason for being on this earth and this moment. I also could see your deep respect and love for this sacred and divine design that is astrology. I would recommend (and already have) your astrological readings to anyone in my life because I know that anyone could benefit. Thank you so much.

I looked back at my notes from your reading several times already and I am always seeing deeper meaning and insight from the words you expressed. I loved this reading and I also loved the compassion and non-judgemental observation you brought to your autumn astrological update for this turbulent quarter. Grateful to be connected to you as an astrologer.”

Nola – Soul Journey Astrology + Astro Weather

“We went to Jara Gian Tara for a Relationship reading because we were at a certain turning point in our relationship. We didn’t have any previous knowledge of birth charts but Jara Gian Tara was incredibly talented at leading you through the charts and translating the important wisdom of astrology into language we could understand. We both found this very valuable, interesting and fun and we can not recommend her highly enough for other couples.”

S. & B. – Relationship reading

“I am mind-blown! Thank you so much. I feel so much lighter. It felt like many sessions with a psychologist wrapped in one. I will be coming to you regularly from now on.”

Tania. – Soul Journey Astrology + Astro Weather

“Absolutely amazing! I see things differently after the session with Gian Tara, very clear and fascinating reading. 
I recommend this for everyone that wants to know themselves better.”

Salvör Thorlacius –  Soul Journey Astrology Reading

Fór í stjörnukorta-, human design- og gene keys lestur hjá Jöru. Það var ekkert smá gott að fara til hennar, kynnast sjálfum sér, skilja sig betur og fá hvatningu. 

Lærði með human design hvernig ég á að nýta mér innsæið til að taka ákvarðanir, hvað þýðir nákvæmlega að vera generator og hvað undefined eða defined centers þýða. 

Svo fór hún auðvitað djúpt í stjörnukortalestur og það er ótrúlegt hvað ég var að tengja við allt sem hún sagði!

Mæli svo mikið með þessu fyrir alla sem eru opnir fyrir því að skilja sjálft sig betur, svo er Jara líka með svo róandi og góða orku”

Brynja Kúla Guðmundsdóttir – Astrology + Human Design + Gene Keys Reading

“I had an astrology and tarot reading with Gian Tara. She is really wonderful and warm and full of wisdom. I learned many new things about myself, got good advice and a new way of seeing many things. She gets 5 hearts from me.”

Ýr Bergsteinsdóttir – Soul Journey Astrology Reading

“Jara Gian Tara is a true healer. She helped me work through some major limiting beliefs and created a plan of action for me that felt safe, accessible and fun.

 Her intuitive understanding of knowing the exact right thing to say, and vast knowledge of healing modalities made our time together unlike anything I’ve ever done.

 She integrated her astrology and kundalini practices with her background as a life coach to empower me to tackle the questions that I came with.

 I especially loved her approach to astrology – she uses it as a tool to give insight into the soul, to affirm strengths and weaknesses, and allow for more self compassion and healing.

She was willing to go above and beyond which made me feel cared for the whole way. I am so grateful to know her and to have worked with her!”

 Rachel Sumner – Cosmic Coaching


“It was an amazing experience to work with Jara.

 I am much more self-aware. When I find myself in stressful situations now, I know why I react the way I do and know that I have a choice to react differently.

For example, I am more aware of the Cancer element in me. I have a tendency to put up a wall of defence, much more than I realised. Knowing that about myself is very helpful both at work and at home.

I thought it was incredible how I managed to open up to “abundance”. It’s crazy how quickly things can happen when you open up to it. When I started working with Jara Gian Tara, I was quitting my job and looking for a new job. She helped me a lot through that process and I am now in a new position where I am much more satisfied and with a much better income.

 I’ve also been writing down new moon intentions and it’s amazing, they just all come true.

 I am happy that I chose the longer container because the weeks are so short. I started out with 6 weeks but then extended it to 3 months. It was good to go through the ups and downs with Jara and be guided through them.

 I definitely recommend this to those who are considering Cosmic Coaching with Jara Gian Tara.”

H. – Cosmic Coaching

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