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The fixed stars belong to the firmament, the sphere beyond Saturn, the Lord of boundaries, the edge of the world we can see with our own eyes.
The fixed stars operate by position and are said to “cast no rays” – that is they only operate by conjunction, not by any other aspect. Conjunction to the angles, especially the ascendant and the midheaven are especially important, not only conjunctions to the planets.
When a planet in a natal horoscope has more influence in the life of the native than is justified by normal means, a fixed star conjunct that planet is usually the explanation. A fortunate star conjunct the ascendant or the midheaven will vastly emphasise the positive tendencies in the chart. However they do not operate alone. A fortunate or misfortunate star has to operate within the bounds and potentials within the natal chart.
As you can see, going through the list, there is a lot of misfortune. I recommend taking everything with a grain of salt. We live in a different world from when this was written.
You can make your own natal chart here to look for the degree of your Ascendant, Midheaven and the planets:
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1°03 Aries – Kerb: Danger of being jilted by a lover. Neutral; Mars/ Mercury
2°35 Aries – Difda (Deneb Kaitos): Laziness, self destruction, nervousness, illness, inhibitions, loss. Unfortunate; Saturn ___________________________________
9°09 Aries – Algenib: Ambition, vanity, intuition, enthusiasm, bad judgment. Unfortunate; Mars/ Mercury ___________________________________
12°47 Aries – Alderamin: Gravity, sternness, judgement, severe trials, poetry, drama. Fortunate; Saturn/ Jupiter ___________________________________
14°18 Aries – Alpheratz: Grace, popularity, independence, honours. Fortunate; Venus
21°48 Aries – Baten Kaitos: Isolation, depression, accidents, emigration, shipwrecks. Unfortunate; Saturn
23°16 Aries – Acamar: Success in public office, ecclesiastical success. Fortunate; Jupiter
29°23 Aries – Alrisha: Unifying influence with groups. Fortunate; Mars/ Mercury
0°24 Taurus – Mirach: Good fortune through marriage, beauty, love talent. Fortunate; Venus
3°49 Taurus – Sharatan: Violence, defeat, accidents, injury, danger, honours. Neutral; Mars/ Saturn
7°40 Taurus – Hamal: Violence, cruelty, brutality, also the “Healer”. Unfortunate; Mars/ Saturn
7°48 Taurus – Schedir: Astrology, mysticism, writing. Fortunate; Saturn/ Venus
14°15 Taurus – Almach: Success in Venusian occupations, artistic ability, popularity. Fortunate; Venus
14°19 Taurus – Menkar: Disease, throat trouble, disgrace, ruin, injury from beasts, unjustified enmities; sudden emergence of deep unconscious issues. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Venus
20°52 Taurus – Rana: Love of knowledge, science, much travel, many changes, position of authority, accidents at sea, drowning. Fortunate; Saturn (part of “The River”, a constellation traversing several Signs) ___________________________________
23°52 Taurus – Zaurak: Melancholy, fear of death and suicidal tendencies. Unfortunate; Saturn
24°12 Taurus – Capulus: Primitive male sexual energy; penetrating; ruthless; adventurous; dishonesty; mass effects, esp. meteorological. Unfortunate; Mars/ Mercury
26°10 Taurus – *Algol (The Gorgon’s Head): Primitive female sexuality; strangulation, beheading, danger to throat and neck, murder, violence, mass catastrophe, the “Evil One”, the Demon Star; passionate; intense; hysterical. Very Unfortunate; Saturn/ Jupiter
29°58 Taurus – Pleiades (The Seven Sisters): Accidents, blindness, violence, homosexuality, feminine power. Unfortunate; Constellation of 7 stars (refer Alcyone)
0°00 Gemini – *Alcyone (Central star of the Pleiades): Ambition, honour and glory. Trouble with opposite sex. Neutral; Moon/ Jupiter
02°05 Gemini – Mirfak (Alpha Perseus): Indicative of events effecting large numbers of people, especially those caused by major meteorological phenomena. Bold, adventurous, somewhat dishonest. Fortunate; Jupiter/ Saturn
5°45 Gemini – *Hyades: Scandal, violence, disgrace, imprisonment. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Mercury
9°47 Gemini – *Aldebaran (Bull’s North Eye): A Royal Star. The archangel Michael, the Watcher of the East. Eloquence, high honours, integrity, popularity, courage, war mongering, agitation. Unfortunate; Mars ___________________________________
15°17 Gemini – Cursa: Currents of Fate, fluctuating emotions, irreversible changes to rhythm of life, sense of oblivion. Fortunate; Saturn
16°50 Gemini – *Rigel (Orion’s Foot): Technical and artistic ability, inventiveness, humour, honours, riches, happiness. Fortunate; Jupiter/ Mars
21°28 Gemini – *Bellatrix (Orion’s Left Shoulder): Loquaciousness, accidents, sudden dishonour. Unfortunate; Mars/ Mercury
21°51 Gemini – Capella: Inquisitiveness, open mindedness, powerful friends. Fortunate; Mars/ Mercury
22°16 Gemini – Phact: Talent in art or science. Fortunate; Venus/ Mercury/ Uranus
22°26 Gemini – El Nath: Luck, fortune, success, quarrels, headstrong. Fortunate; Mars
23°49 Gemini – *Alnilam: Brief fame, quick temper, scandal. Fortunate; Jupiter/ Saturn
24°42 Gemini – *Al Hecka: Honours, wealth, power, greed, aggression. Fortunate; Mars
28°34 Gemini – Polaris * (The Pole Star): Sickness, trouble, loss, affliction, spiritual powers. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Venus
28°45 Gemini – Betelgeuse * (Orion’s Right Shoulder): Calamities, danger, violence. Unfortunate; Mars/ Mercury
3°26 Cancer – Propus: Overconfidence, pride, shamelessness, violence. Unfortunate; Saturn
7°11 Cancer – Mirzam: Good qualities, charitable, faithful; dangerous passions; “The Roarer”, announcing the rising of Sirius; “The Announcer”, with Gomeisa. Fortunate; Venus
9°06 Cancer – Alhena (Almeisan, the shining one): Acute sensitivity, creative imagination, artistic skills, writing, injuries to feet. Fortunate; Mercury/ Venus/ Jupiter
11°13 Cancer – Alzirr: Hunting, besieging towns, the revenge of princes, trouble, disgrace, sickness, loss of fortune, affliction, danger to knees. Unfortunate; Mercury/ Venus/ Jupiter
13°48 Cancer – Dziban (The Two Jackals): Artistic, emotional but sombre; penetrating, analytical mind, much travel, many friends; danger of robbery and accidental poisoning. Craft, ingenuity, valour. A binary star in Draco, the Dragon. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Mars
14°05 Cancer – *Sirius (the Dog Star; the Sun of the Sun; the prime Sun of our Galaxy): Ambition, pride, emotionality, fame, leadership, wealth, fires, drought, danger through impetuosity. Fortunate; Jupiter/ Mars ___________________________________
14°51 Cancer – *Canopus (Ship of the Desert): Voyages, journeys, creativity; scandal, violence; great glory, fame, wealth; changes evil to good; the Rishi (Hindu sage) Agasthya; star of St Catharine; helmsman of the Argo. Fortunate; Saturn/ Jupiter
18°31 Cancer – Wasat: Chemicals, poisons, gas; violence, malevolence, destructiveness as a first principal; pessimism; clear, authoritative speech; prominence in public affairs. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Mars
20°14 Cancer – *Castor: Sudden fame or loss, distinction, keen mind, violence, mischief; “The Mortal Twin”. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Mars/ Venus
22°12 Cancer – Gomeisa: “The Weeping One”; frivolity; love of dogs; dogbite; death by drowning. Unfortunate; Mercury/ Mars
23°13 Cancer – *Pollux (Caput Hercules): Contemplative speculation, audacity, astrology, ruin, disgrace, death, calamity; the “Immortal Twin”; the “Heartless Judge”. Unfortunate; Mars/ Moon/ Uranus
25°47 Cancer – *Procyon: Violence, sudden success then disaster, occult, politics, dissipation. Unfortunate; Mars/ Mercury
2°48 Leo – Talitha: Quiet, prudent, suspicious, mistrustful, self-controlled, great anger when roused. Neutral; Saturn/ Mars
Nebulous Cluster in 1st decan of Leo – The Aselli (The ***** ): Death by fever, fire, hanging, beheading, or violent catastrophe, ruin, disgrace, wounds, hurts to face, eye trouble, blindness, imprisonment, great changes in society. Unfortunate; Mars/ Moon
7°12 Leo – *Praesaepe: Inner drive, reclusive, blindness, murder, tragedy, fires. Unfortunate; Mars/ Moon
7°24 Leo – *North Asellus (Asellus Borealis): Patience, beneficence and courage, heroic and defiant leader. Fortunate; Sun/ Mars
8°35 Leo – *South Asellus (Asellus Australis): Military preferment, blindness, eye trouble, shipwreck, mass murder, horrors, self-willed, uncooperative. Unfortunate; Sun/ Mars
10°20 Leo – Giansar: Penetrating and analytical mind, travel and many friends, craft, ingenuity, and valour, but danger of robbery and accidental poisoning. Neutral; Saturn/ Mars
13°35 Leo – Acubens: Astrology, writing, perseverance, domestic problems, poison, liars. Fortunate; Saturn/ Mercury
15°00 Leo – Dubhe (The Bear): Astrology, arrogance, psychic power, destruction; aka Krathu, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) in Ursa Major; Bast Isis, the Egyptian goddess; “The Eye”; “Heaven’s Pivot”. Fortunate; Venus/Mercury/Mars
19°06 Leo – Merak: Prudent, restrained, mistrustful, self-controlled (but angry when roused), love of command, power to achieve, good with animals; Pulaha, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) of Ursa Major. Fortunate; Saturn/ Mercury/ Mars
20°42 Leo – Ras Elased Aust (Algenubi): Cruel, heartless, bold, bombastic, brutish, destructive, artistic appreciation. power of expression, spiritual gifts, leadership. Neutral; Saturn/ Mars
22°00 Leo – “Own Worst Enemy”: An unfortunate degree. No freedom to act on one’s own behalf. Unfortunate ___________________________________
24°15 Leo – Subra: Strength; plunder; swagger; yet simple and without guile. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Mars
27°08 Leo – *Alphard: Gives wisdom, musical and artistic appreciation, knowledge of human nature, strong passions, lack of self control, immorality. Sudden death by poison or drowning. Problems with law, love affairs, drugs. Fortunate; Saturn/Venus
27°34 Leo – Adhafera: Crime, lying and stealing, suicide. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Mercury
27°41 Leo – *Al Jabhah: Wealth, sound judgement, cleverness, prone to violence, self-seeking, danger, loss, mutiny. Neutral; Saturn/ Mercury
29°53 Leo – *Regulus (Lion’s Heart): The most Royal Star. Raphael, the Healing Archangel, the Watcher of the North. Nobility, ambition, alertness, great power, status, leadership, sudden downfall, accidents, violence. Fortunate; Mars/ Jupiter/ Uranus
0°29 Virgo – Phecda: Civilising influence, tamer of beasts, transmission of divine knowledge; Pulasthya, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) of the Great Bear, Ursa Major; bloodbaths, assassinations, riots, sexual perversion. Fortunate; Jupiter/ Venus
0°53 Virgo – Præcipua: Generous, noble, peaceful, fearless nature, with the ability to undertake prominent and responsible positions. Fortunate; Jupiter/ Mars
1°04 Virgo – Megrez: Spiritual sight; creativity; violence; Atri, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages), the ruling star of the Great Bear, Ursa Major. Fortunate; Mars
7°27 Virgo – Thuban: Prospectors of gold and silver or those who are ministers of money; burning to death in own house. Fortunate; Saturn/ Mars
8°56 Virgo – Alioth (The Black Horse): Suicide among women; danger in pregnancy; Angirasa, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) in Ursa Major. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Venus
11°16 Virgo – Zosma: Keen intellect, depression, fearful, unhappy, feels restricted, loss in childhood; egotism; prophetic ability (with Coxa: “Kua, the Oracle”). Fortunate; Saturn/ Venus
13°25 Virgo – Coxa: Good for voyages, gain by merchandise, redemption of captives; prophetic ability (with Zosma: “Kua, the Oracle”). Strength. Wisdom. Fortunate; Saturn/ Venus
15°42 Virgo – Mizar: Connected with fires of a catastrophic extent and mass calamities; Vasishta, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) of Ursa Major. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Venus
21°38 Virgo – *Denebola: Criticism, perseverance, control, lack of imagination, honours, undesirable associates, mental illness, happiness turns to despair, disease, natural disasters, catastrophes. Neutral; Saturn/ Venus
23°48 Virgo – *Coma Berenices: Eye problems; suave manner, with great personal charm; idle and dissipated, dramatic; a constellation rather than a star, with the main star being Diadem. Fortunate; Moon/ Venus ___________________________________
26°38 Virgo – Labrum: Honours, riches, ambition, psychic, chronic illness, dishonest income. Fortunate; Mercury/ Venus
26°56 Virgo – Alkaid (Benetnash): Associated with death and mourning, war, natural catastrophes; Marichi, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) of Ursa Major. Unfortunate; Moon/ Mercury/ Saturn
28°54 Virgo – Markeb: Voyages, educational work, broad knowledge, piety. Fortunate; Saturn/ Jupiter
4°31 Libra – Zaniah: Order, congeniality, lovable nature, refinement, honour. Very Fortunate; Mercury/ Venus ___________________________________
8°57 Libra – Diadem: Suave, well-bred; personal charm; dissipation. Dramatic ability. The “Wreath of Jewels” in Berenice’s hair (the constellation Coma Berenices). Fortunate; Saturn/ Mercury
9°56 Libra – Vindemiatrix: Falsity, folly, disgrace, stealing, widowhood, depression, witch-hunts, mysticism & the occult. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Mercury
13°27 Libra – Algorab: Scavenging, destructiveness, repulsiveness, malevolence, fiendishness and lying, suicide, greed, injuries. Unfortunate; Mars/ Saturn
15°27 Libra – Merga: Guardians, ministers of state, custodians, treasurers, force behind the scenes, hidden masters, economists, architects, designers, “The Sickle”. Fortunate; Mercury/ Saturn
17°39 Libra – *Seginus: Business, astrology, law, loss through friends, deceitful, shameless. Fortunate; Mercury/ Saturn/ Venus
19°20 Libra – Mufrid: Prosperity from work, planning, strong desires, a tendency to excess, a fondness for rural pursuits, occultism. Fortunate; Mercury/ Saturn
22°09 Libra – Foramen: Prosperity, leadership; divine teacher, creative power; ear and eye trouble, indecision, shipwreck. Fortunate; Saturn/ Jupiter
23°50 Libra – *Spica: Wealth, fame, honour, glamour, the “Fortunate One”. Very Fortunate; Venus/ Mars
24°14 Libra – *Arcturus: Inspiration, riches, fame, honour, popularity, benefits through travel, success through work. Very Fortunate; Jupiter/ Mars
3°09 Scorpio – *Princeps: Ability to research keen, studious and profound mind, business, government, law, science, arts, lies. Fortunate; Mercury/ Saturn
6°57 Scorpio – Khambalia: Deep research of any kind, police investigation, espionage and esoteric subjects. Fortunate; Mercury/ Mars
11°52 Scorpio – Acrux: Interest in astrology and spirituality, metaphysics, sacrifice. Occult; Jupiter
12°16 Scorpio – *Alphecca: Honour, dignity, literate, brilliant, poetic, scandals, betrayal in love, sorrow through children. Fortunate; Venus/ Mercury
12°18 Scorpio – Menken: Wisdom, astronomy, divination, medicine, botany and music. Fortunate; Venus/ Mercury
15°04 Scorpio – *South Scale (Zuben Algenubi): Loss, theft, betrayal, abuse, venereal disease, poisoning, drowning, anguish, revenge, criminality. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Mars
19°00 Scorpio – Serpentis (the “Accursed Degree”): A malefic degree, tragedy, misfortune, the “Accursed Degree”. This degree does not precess; Unfortunate; Mars/ Saturn
19°23 Scorpio – *North Scale (Zuben Alschemali): Honours, wealth, distinction, brilliant mind, success in sports, politics, war, religion, writing, tragedy, violence, melancholy. Fortunate; Jupiter/ Mercury/ Mars ___________________________________
22°04 Scorpio – *Alpha Serpentis (Unukalhai): Success followed by fall, suicide, insanity, accidents, success in war, politics, writing, problems in love, forgery, shipwreck, loss, earthquake. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Mars ___________________________________
23°48 Scorpio – Agena: Good health, high morals, disillusion through love, success with the masses. Fortunate; Venus/ Jupiter
29°36 Scorpio – Toliman (Bungula): Occult and philosophical learning, self analysis, honours, stubborn, cruel. Fortunate; Venus/ Jupiter
1°05 Sagittarius – Kornephoros: Fixity of purpose, strength of character, ardent nature and dangerous passions. Neutral; Mercury
2°18 Sagittarius – *Yed Prior: Success in astrology & 9th house matters, shrewd. Fortunate; Saturn/ Venus
5°36 Sagittarius – Marfik: Passionate, blindly good-hearted, easily seduced, healer with herbs. Neutral; Saturn/ Venus
9°46 Sagittarius – *Antares (Heart of the Scorpion): A Royal Star. The Archangel Uriel, the Watcher of the West. Spirit of adventure, obstinacy, injuries to eyes, honours, sudden loss, stubborn, suspicious, violent, several marriages. Fortunate; Mars/Jupiter/ Mercury
11°58 Sagittarius – *Rastaban: Impulsive, honourable, good for astrology, government, writing, sports, finance, the arts, accidents, wounds, blindness, criminality. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Mars/ Jupiter ___________________________________
17°58 Sagittarius – Sabik: Wastefulness and lost energy, perverted moral, success in evil deeds. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Venus
20°54 Sagittarius – Atria: Just, truthful, righteous and benevolent, interest in architecture and freemasonry. Very Fortunate; Mercury/ Jupiter
22°27 Sagittarius – Ras Alhague: Trouble with women, drugs, poisoning, hallucination, medicines, infections, mystical healing. Fortunate; Saturn/Venus
24°01 Sagittarius – Lesath (Scorpion’s Sting – with Shaula): Danger, desperation, immorality and malevolence, connected with acid poisons, accidents, catastrophes, operations. Unfortunate; Mercury/ Mars ___________________________________
24°35 Sagittarius – Shaula (Mulam: the Root): Danger, desperation, immorality and malevolence, connected with acid poisons, aids victory in sieges, destruction of seafarers and captives, exorcism, mesmerism, spiritual pressure towards enlightenment. Unfortunate; Mercury/ Mars
26°52 Sagittarius – Galactic Centre: A vast Black Hole at the centre of our galaxy, discovered 1932; source of energy, motivation, aspiration; alien consciousness; crisis of faith; travel; education; philosophy; spiritual urges; single-minded dedication. Fortunate; Jupiter
27°58 Sagittarius – Etamin: Liking solitude, good concentration, dishonour, downfall and loss of prestige, esoteric and philosophical studies. Neutral; Mars/ Moon
1°04 Capricorn – Spiculum: Eye trouble, blindness, depression, hopelessly doomed, morbid religious outlook, no concern for human life. Unfortunate; Mars/ Moon
1°16 Capricorn – Alnasl: Eye trouble, blindness (or bad eyesight). Unfortunate; Mars/ Moon
3°13 Capricorn – Polis: Martial desires, high ambitions, domination, keen perception, success.. Very Fortunate; Jupiter/ Mars
6°19 Capricorn – Kaus Borealis: Promoters of idealistic and humane ideas, promoters of mental stimuli, enterprise and a sense of justice. Fortunate; Mercury/ Mars
8°16 Capricorn – Facies: Blindness, violent death, sickness, accidents; leadership, war, coldness, detachment, perfectionism; earthquakes; pure combative energies; risk-taking, glamour; seeks fulfilment through charitable works. Very Unfortunate; Sun/ Mars
15°19 Capricorn – *Vega: Luck in politics, artistic talent, fleeting fame, double dealing, generosity, practicality. Fortunate; Venus/ Mercury
18°53 Capricorn – Sheliak: Artistic talent, sexual adventures, disgrace, gaudiness, independent thought, trouble with authority, death by violence. Fortunate; Venus/ Mercury
19°48 Capricorn – Dheneb: Martial Arts, ability to command, liberality, beneficence. Very Fortunate; Mars/ Jupiter
23°49 Capricorn – Peacock: Vanity and love of display, together with a long life and sometimes fame. Fortunate; Venus/ Mercury/ Saturn
25°51 Capricorn – Terebellum: Strength and power, rise in life, riches, cunning, disgrace. Fortunate; Venus/ Saturn
0°56 Aquarius – Tarazed (The Plundering Falcon): Spoil and plunder, imagination, strong passions, will, clairvoyance, fame, powerful mind. Fortunate; Mars/ Jupiter
1°04 Aquarius – Sham: Combative, opinionated, jealousy, danger of death in battle. Unfortunate; Mars/ Venus ___________________________________
1°15 Aquarius – Albireo: Contemplative, cultured, artistic, congenial appearance and disposition. Fortunate; Venus/ Mercury
1°47 Aquarius – *Altair (The Eagle): Sudden but ephemeral fortune, impulsiveness, courage, accidents, astrology, writing. Neutral; Mars/ Jupiter
3°46 Aquarius – *Algedi (Giedi Prima): Beneficence, peculiar events, love affairs, great good fortune. Neutral; Venus/ Mars
5°34 Aquarius – Bos: Keen intellect, good for business, military, analysis. Fortunate; Saturn/ Venus
11°43 Aquarius – Albali: Danger, persecution and even death, but also said to give good fortune. Neutral; Mars/ Mercury
13°51 Aquarius – Dorsum: The Wheel of Fortune; bites from venomous creatures (with Sun or Mars). Unfortunate; Saturn/Jupiter
15°54 Aquarius – Alnair: Retiring, active, proud, watchful, kind, idealistic, devoted, liking for astronomy, “the Bright One”. Fortunate; Mercury/Jupiter
20°12 Aquarius – Castra: Destructiveness, uncontrollable temper, malevolence. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Jupiter ___________________________________
21°47 Aquarius – *Nashira: Writing, government, religion, overcomes evil. Fortunate; Saturn/ Jupiter
23°07 Aquarius – Kitalpha: Gives friendship and sagacity but frivolity and love of pleasure. Neutral; Mercury/ Venus
23°46 Aquarius – *Sadalsuud: Fortuna Fortunarum, great fortune; astrology, occult, government, business, psychic, visionary, originality; personal charm; temperance; aviation. Fortunate; Saturn/ Mercury ___________________________________
23°50 Aquarius – Deneb Algedi: A wise leader; finding the joy inherent in sorrow – and vice versa; glory and fame if death is avoided; betrayal, loss of position if associated with Sun or Moon. Fortunate; Saturn/ Jupiter ___________________________________
24°50 Aquarius – Sador: Glittering wings, figured by stars. Part of the Christian Cross. Words of command, gathering of wealth; a hidden god; love of water, swimming, the arts; communication with birds; aviation. Fortunate; Jupiter/ Saturn
27°45 Aquarius – Gienah: Soar to great heights, potential of sudden downfall. Neutral; Venus/ Mercury
3°52 Pisces – *Fomalhaut: A Royal Star. Archangel Gabriel, the Watcher of the South. Congenital birth defects, magic, fame, occult, faith, “Star of Alchemy”, addiction, undesirable associates. Fortunate; Venus/ Mercury/ Neptune
5°16 Pisces – *Deneb Adige (Alpha Cygnus): Intelligent, creative, original, naive, astrology, writing, the public, dog bites. Fortunate; Venus/ Mercury
6°43 Pisces – Sadalachbia: Success in ventures, personal charm, movement to rich pastures, aviation, discovery of lost items, “the Star of Hidden Things”. Fortunate; Venus/ Mercury
8°52 Pisces – Skat: Good fortune, personal charm, lasting happiness, psychic interests, sensitivity, occult interests, many friends. Fortunate; Saturn/ Jupiter
15°19 Pisces – Achernar: Sudden success in public office, religious benefits, access to another realm. Fortunate; Jupiter (“the mouth of the River” a constellation extending over several Signs. NOTE: stars in this constellation (Eridanus) are ruled by Saturn, with the exception of Achernar, the brightest) ___________________________________
23°29 Pisces – *Markab: Violence, honours and riches, “Star of Sorrow”, literary, legal problems, accidents. Unfortunate; Mars/ Mercury/ Venus
29°22 Pisces – *Scheat: Imprisonment, murder, suicide, drowning, extreme misfortune. Unfortunate; Mars/ Mercury
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