
Why get a reading?

Getting a professional astrology reading can save you years (sometimes decades) of trying to figure out why you are the way you are

Many people have told me that one session is like many sessions with a therapist.

Astrology is the fastest way that I have found to get to the centre of who you are.

And that’s where I come in. 

You bring the questions and I find the answers in your chart.

When you get to know your chart, you have all the information as well as what to do to get to where you want to go. 

So many astrologers only give information.
My passion is practical down to earth approach to this ancient wisdom. I will give you first the information and also the next steps.

I see it as my mission as an astrologer to guide you back home to yourself. 

For you to see, possibly for the first time, how wonderful you truly are. Your strengths and your wisdom.

Birth charts are intricate tapestries of symbols that hold immense depth and meaning. As an experienced astrologer, I can translate the complexity of these symbols and their nuanced relationships with each other.

At the heart of astrology lies the art of interpretation.

You might have tried google-ing to try to understand your birth chart and were left feeling a bit lost in the process. 

To truly unlock the wisdom of your birth chart, context is crucial.  We don’t want to look at anything in isolation. The planets are in a conversation with each other and we need to look at the whole to understand any of the parts. 

In our consultations, I will act as your guide and translator, connecting the dots and providing practical guidance and clarity to answer any questions you may have. 

But our consultations are not a one-way street – my preferred method of reading a chart is in dialogue with you. In a conversation we arrive together at understanding the unique insights your birth chart holds.

Ready to embark on a journey of deep self-discovery and personal growth? 

What is a birth chart?

Your birth chart is a snapshot of the sky at the exact moment you took your first breath on this Earth. 

A snapshot and a blueprint for your life as a starry spirit, an embodied soul living on planet Earth.

The birth chart is a mirror of the sky within you, holding the key to unlocking the great promise of your life.

You chart contains a unique set of symbols that represent the positions of the planets, each one reflecting a different aspect of your nature and the events that shape your life. The Sun and the Moon and all the planets in our solar system play a role in your chart and the each hold a part of your story.

Using your birth chart as a foundation, we can derive timing-based interpretations to provide insight into your current life circumstances and cycles.

By understanding the movements of the planets and their impact on your chart, we can help you navigate life’s challenges and opportunities with greater clarity and purpose.

Ready to uncover the mysteries of your birth chart? 

To embark on the journey of your life, of self-discovery and empowerment?

What is Astrology?

A sacred language of the universe, a compass and a map.

We can use Astrology to find our way back home to the sacredness of who we are

Starry Spirits, temporarily embodied here on planet Earth.

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