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Copyright 2025 © Gian Tara All rights Reserved. Design by Gian Tara
Hey dear!
I’m so happy that life has brought you here.
Before I say anything else, I want you to know that my life has been very far from the straight and narrow path. I have made more mistakes than most, which gives me endless compassion for others and the will to do my absolute best to be a force for good in this world.
That being said, I have to big passions in life: Learning and creating. I have been learning and studying my whole life and now it is my mission to share all my knowledge and mystical experiences.
I’m an astrologer, mystic, artist, teacher of the mystical arts and cosmic guide.
My gift is balancing the two worlds, heaven and earth, and helping you do the same.
My dream for you is to live a happy life embodying all your gifts and shining your bright light in this world.
The tools I use are astrology, the tarot, numerology, philosophy, human design, gene keys, magick, kundalini yoga, intuitive energy work and cosmic shamanism. I also use very practical down to earth mindset tools when they are called for.
I guide you to be fully embodied, with two feet on the ground, connected to mother earth, and also be fully connected up and out, to spirit and the cosmic energies, trusting your soul and the call of the spirit.
I’m a Pisces sun, Scorpio moon and Sagittarius rising. Fully embodying my own natal chart and using all the gifts of it and avoiding the pitfalls has been one of the greatest journeys of my life. I have a very strong Neptune that gives me my strong intuition. I also have a very strong Uranus that drives me to be awake in every moment and to guide others to do the same.
Philosophy (BA)
Tarot, Quabbala and magick as taught in the Western mystical tradition
Kundalini yoga
Vedic scripture from the Eastern mystical tradition
Meditation techniques from many lineages
If you want to know more about my background here you go:
I come from Iceland and I am a mother of two, one boy and one trans daughter.
I studied Kundalini Yoga at Ra Ma Mallorca and it was very transformational for me and woke me up to remembering gifts from many previous lifetimes as a spiritual practitioner, priestess and a yogi.
I’ve been doing this for many lifetimes.
I am a professional astrologer and I have been studying astrology and numerology, mysticism and philosophy, both western and eastern, for the last 20 some years.
My secret goal in life has always been enlightenment, the great awakening. To experience God. To understand life, the universe and everything.
Let’s just say that’s a work in progress…
I love Kundalini Yoga and teaching it brings me immense joy. I feel like I have finally hit gold after decades of searching. Kundalini yoga is the yoga of awareness, a Raja yoga (royal yoga). It is a masterful technique to bring you closer to your essence, your soul. It is also a householder yoga, perfect for people with a busy schedule that still want to develop a powerful spiritual practice.
Again, Kundalini yoga is something I remember having practiced many times before.
I have another website The Sacred Way where I sometimes post about the things I find that fascinate me.
I am also a professional musician and have released a couple of albums, collaborated with many artists and written scores for theatre productions and films. I have another website Jara Karlsdottir where you can find my music.
I started a company in 2020 with a friend from Brazil that I met as an astrology client. We created Tungl dagbók, a moon and astrological planner in Icelandic. With all kinds of helpful information about the lunar cycles, astrology, menstruation and herbal lore. You can check it out here
I have also worked all kinds of jobs along the way, a journalist at Iceland’s biggest newspaper, a sound engineer at the National theatre of Iceland, a specialist at the ministry of education and culture, a whale watching guide. I’ve worked in nursing homes and in childcare, cleaned hotel rooms and worked in record stores, cafes and bars. Worked as a copy writer at a record company and many other unusual jobs.
Part of my journey has been to overcome childhood abuse and the trauma it inflicted upon me. It lead me to enter into two physically abusive relationships as an adult.
I became a mother at 21 and again at 31 fortunately their fathers are lovely.
After the birth of my first child I had a near death experience while coming very close to death from childbirth.
I lost my brother, my closest family to suicide the same year I had my firstborn. He was 2 years younger than me. The same year I lost 5 other friends and family members to all the ways humans die, except none of them was killed.
This year was like an initiation into death.
I suffered from depression, anxiety and PTSD and C-PTSD for a long time.
I tried all kinds of psychotherapy and psychotropics on my healing journey.
I sometimes feel like before I came here I decided to try out as much as I could of the more devastating parts of the human experience.
It was hard.
But it was also a great lesson. I have endless compassion for my fellow humans. I know that we are all fighting our own battles and it’s impossible to know what another is going through except maybe if they tell you.
I know that having gone through all that I went through and to have come out on the other end, happy, content, full of life and love for this planet and everyone on it is a great gift.
And for the rest of my life I intend to use this gift to serve the world the best I can.
I also know, from experiences and visions that this life is not this purely material thing extreme materialism has led way to many of us to believe.
Life is magical.
Life goes on after we die. Death is just a transformation.
Only love is truly real.
If you are reading this, know you are loved by the Divine that moves through everything.
Don’t let anyone or anything let you believe that you are small and insignificant. You are infinitely big and equally as important as every single human being in the universe.
I have made it my business to take every single human being into my heart and am in a process of growing my heart to better fit all of you in there. I am working on an infinitely big heart.
With so much love,
Gian Tara
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