
House Blessing

A house blessing is a beautiful ceremony to mark the transition into a new home or business location or after big renovations have taken place.

When moving into a new home or after finishing renovations it is very helpful to do a house blessing.

It is also very important to do at a new business location. Especially if the previous business at the location went bankrupt or the business was bad.

This is also important to do after big renovations. It is sadly not uncommon for people to break up after big renovations. This is because the energy of the workers and the noise they make bring chaotic energy into the home.

A house blessing clears up the energy from the previous owners and makes the place your own. It also clears out the energy of the workers that helped build or rebuild your house.

A home blessing takes the form of chanting mantras, using sage and prayers to clear out the space. I also use sound healing tools to clear out the space if needed.

The blessing takes between one and two hours, depending on the size of the house. After the blessing I will give you a mantra to play for at least 24 hours after the blessing to infuse the house even deeper with positive energy.

I look forward to sharing this special moment with you!

After booking you will be sent to a page where you can book a time for the blessing.

The schedule is only until 5 PM on weekdays.

If that time does not work for me, send me an email and we will find a time. 

My email is also listed on the page you get sent to after you book.

House blessing
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