
Welcome starry spirit:

You are a Star on the Stage of the Universe

Your cosmic map is waiting to reveal the life you’re destined to live.
Let’s uncover it together.

Human Design

Deep embodiment + Authentic living

Human design reading in Iceland

Unlock your unique Human Design Blueprint for Alignment and Freedom

Your Human Design chart is a map that illuminates how you’re meant to interact with the world and what is needed for you to live a life following your destiny.

Your Human Design chart is a powerful tool that reveals how you’re meant to interact with the world, make decisions, and express your true self.

With a personalised Human Design reading, you’ll gain deep insights into your natural strengths, energy dynamics, and how to live in flow with your authentic self.

What You’ll Discover in Your Human Design Reading:

  • Your Energy Type:
    Learn whether you’re a Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, or Reflector, and how to best work with your unique energy type to thrive in life and business. Your type reveals how you’re meant to use your energy most effectively and avoid burnout.

  • Your Strategy for Decision Making:
    Understand your inner authority and how you’re designed to make decisions that align with your true self. Whether it’s responding to life’s invitations or waiting for emotional clarity, we’ll dive deep into how you’re naturally wired to trust your instincts and make empowered choices.

  • Your Purpose and Life Path:
    Your Human Design chart offers clarity on your life’s purpose and direction. We’ll explore how to live in alignment with your higher purpose, whether that’s through relationships, career, or personal growth.

  • How to Work with Your Strengths:
    Uncover the unique gifts and talents that you naturally bring into the world. You’ll gain insight into how to harness these strengths to achieve your goals, deepen your relationships, and live a life that feels deeply fulfilling.

  • Release Conditioning:
    Break free from societal expectations and the conditioning that pulls you away from your natural energy. Your Human Design chart will show you where you’ve been conditioned to live out of alignment, and we’ll work on strategies to return to your true self.

  • Embrace Your Uniqueness: Understand how your unique cosmic blueprint can empower you to live more authentically.
  • This reading is created to guide you to your most aligned, effortless life.

$225 (29.900 kr) 1,5 hours

Soul Journey II

Astrology + Human Design + Coaching

Your life's story is written in the stars

Astrology reading, professional astrologer

This is ideal if you are seeking deep self-understanding, self-mastery and transformation.

You are ready to truly give yourself a chance, understand yourself better and learn to see and use your gifts.

You are ready for a transformation and practical Guidance on how to use your energy to live out your highest Destiny.

This is a 4 session Package over 6 weeks/40+ days

Session 1: Opening of the Portal: 

This is a Transformational Coaching session where we set the tone for the coming 40 days together. The magic of this modality is that you don’t have to know what you want to change, you just have to be open to your own magic.

I will suggest a 40 day practice (for example a meditation, journaling or tapping/EFT) – if you want to. I HIGHLY recommend doing it. It can do wonders to commit to yourself in this way.

Session 2: Your Astrology chart – The Magical Map of your Starry Spirit

How to use it for your highest timeline and practical steps to take + homework if needed. – The focus will be on what in your chart you can use to follow the path we set in the first session.

* You will also get access to my pre-recorded course -The Big Three – a course about the Sun, Moon and Rising sign and how to activate them.

Session 3: Your Human Design chart – The Energetics of your Aura

How to let your Aura and your energy system guide you in your life. We look at your energetic blueprint, type & strategy, authority, profile. And we put special emphasis on how to decondition from family and society programming, using your Human Design chart. 

Session 4: Integration session + Guided meditation journey to meet yourself in AWE of who you really are

We go deeper into the most important parts in your charts and build a practice and a plan forward. If you want to I will lead you in a guided meditative journey aligned to your charts and life mission.


 Your birth chart is a map that illuminates your life path, your mission in this world and what is needed for you to live a life following your destiny. Your birth chart is your personal map of destiny.

Your Human Design is a map of your Aura. It gives you the aligned way to go about in the world and shows you your special way of listening to your inner self.

The way I do astrology is to focus on how to use the information in the chart to actually make your life better. You will gain a deep insight into why you are the way you are and what to do to navigate life in such a way that you get the most out of your personal Soul Journey.

When we add Human Design we get access to so much practical information. Knowing your Type (How you function) Authority (how you get guidance from yourself) and how you are conditioned (The undefined centres) gives you information on how exactly you can decondition – To become who you came here to be.

This is for you if you know you are ready to fully become yourself, get out of your own way and have a clear understanding of who you came here to be.

Besides from being an astrologer I am a Transformational Coach, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Meditation and Breathwork teacher, Energy healer, Shamanic Light Priestess, Artist, Musician and Producer, Sound Healer, EFT (tapping) practitioner and more. 

You don’t have to know anything about astrology or Human Design t get the full benefit from this. You only need an open mind and a willingness to take a stand for yourself.

$555 (75.000) / 4 sessions

$ 699 (95.000) / 4 sessions + telegram (voice + messages)or email access for 40 days*

 > > To split payments into 2-4 or ask any questions you have –  send me a message on 
Instagram @jaragiantara or email jaragiantara@gmail.com

*I will reply messages on weekdays, working hours, but you can send a message anytime

Returning Clients

Your life's story is written in the Stars

This is for you if you have come to me for a reading before and have an understanding of your chart. We can explore any theme that is coming up for you, how to use your energy or go deeper into your relationships.

Here are some examples of what we can go into:

* Go deeper within your chart. To better understand the themes and archetypes you are working with and how they are showing up for you. We can also do shamanic journeys into the themes of the charts.

*Coaching on any area related to your chart. How to use your energy and how to get out of your own way.

*Coaching on energetics of the Aura, the chakra energy system and your 
Human Design energy system.

* Study a chart of your child and better understand the relationship between you.. How you can best support and understand your child. How to guide it towards is strengths and how to give relieve around the harder to navigate parts of the chart. 

* Study your relationship (Synastry and Composite chart). How you are  impacting each other, how to improve communications and get your needs met etc. (This is different to a relationship reading as it’s only you in the session, not your partner)


The birth chart is a map that illuminates your life path, your mission in this world and what is needed for you to feel loved. Coming to see an astrologer once is great. Coming often and actually utilising the infinite wisdom of this ancient system is MAGICAL. So much can happen in such a short time.

The way I do astrology is to focus on how to use the information in the chart to actually make your life better

Besides from being an astrologer I am a Transformational Coach, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Meditation and Breathwork teacher, Energy healer, Shamanic Light Priestess, Artist, Musician and Producer, Sound Healer, EFT (tapping) practitioner and more. 

I have trained with teachers in both the Eastern and Western mystical traditions for over a decade. I have also been running a business and worked for myself for 5 years. 
All this is just to say: I’ve got you.

$170 (60-90 min)

Practical information

* To prepare your chart I need your birthday, month, year, place of birth and accurate time of birth

* To prepare your chart I need your birthday, (day/month/year), Place of birth and an Accurate time of birth

*The sessions take place over Zoom and you will get a recording after the session.

*I use my extensive knowledge of both Western and Eastern mystical traditions and modern psychology in readings.

* I am a trauma informed practitioner

*I adhere to a strict client practitioner confidentiality 

* If you prefer, we can leave the cameras off.

* You can reschedule a call up to 24 hours before a call (but I nderstand real emergencies)

* I will wait for 15-20 minutes for you to show up for a call. If you are a no-show there are no refunds.

* I use the Tropical zodiac and Placidus, Equal and Whole sign house systems.

* If you have any questions send it to jaragiantara @ gmail.com


Why get a reading?

Getting a professional astrology reading can save you years (sometimes decades) of trying to figure out why you are the way you are

Many people have told me that one session is like many sessions with a therapist.

Astrology is the fastest way that I have found to get to the centre of who you are.

And that’s where I come in. 

You bring the questions and I find the answers in your chart.

And it’s not at all “just some ancient personality test”.

When you get to know your chart, you also have all the information as well as what to do to get to where you want to go. 

So many astrologers only give information. My passion is practical down to earth approach to this ancient wisdom. I will give you first the information and also the next steps.

I see it as my mission as an astrologer to guide you back home to yourself. 

For you to see, possibly for the first time, how wonderful you truly are. Your strengths and your wisdom.

Birth charts are intricate tapestries of symbols that hold immense depth and meaning. As an experienced astrologer, I can translate the complexity of these symbols and their nuanced relationships with each other.

At the heart of astrology lies the art of interpretation.

You might have tried google-ing to try to understand your birth chart and were left feeling a bit lost in the process. 

To truly unlock the wisdom of your birth chart, context is crucial.  We don’t want to look at anything in isolation. The planets are in a conversation with each other and we need to look at the whole to understand any of the parts. 

In our consultations, I will act as your guide and translator, connecting the dots and providing practical guidance and clarity to answer any questions you may have. 

But our consultations are not a one-way street – my preferred method of reading a chart is in dialogue with you. In a conversation we arrive together at understanding the unique insights your birth chart holds.

Ready to embark on a journey of deep self-discovery and personal growth? 

What is a birth chart?

Your birth chart is a snapshot of the sky at the exact moment you took your first breath on this Earth. 

A snapshot and a blueprint for your life as a starry spirit, an embodied soul living on planet Earth.

The birth chart is a mirror of the sky within you, holding the key to unlocking the great promise of your life.

You chart contains a unique set of symbols that represent the positions of the planets, each one reflecting a different aspect of your nature and the events that shape your life. The Sun and the Moon and all the planets in our solar system play a role in your chart and the each hold a part of your story.

Using your birth chart as a foundation, we can derive timing-based interpretations to provide insight into your current life circumstances and cycles.

By understanding the movements of the planets and their impact on your chart, we can help you navigate life’s challenges and opportunities with greater clarity and purpose.

Ready to uncover the mysteries of your birth chart? 

To embark on the journey of your life, of self-discovery and empowerment?

What is Astrology?

A sacred language of the universe, a compass and a map.

We can use Astrology to find our way back home to the sacredness of who we are

Starry Spirits, temporarily embodied here on planet Earth.

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