
What is Human Design?

Human Design is the science of your electro-magnetic field – your AURA.
It is a powerful system that combines elements of Astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, and the vedic chakra system to create a personalised blueprint of how your energy is meant to operate in the world.
It reveals your unique strengths, your natural way of making decisions, and the best strategies for living a life that’s aligned with your true self.

Human Design is very practical for your everyday experience of the world. It tells you how you’re energetically wired to thrive. Whether it’s in your relationships, career, or daily routines, Human Design offers specific insights into how you can live more in flow and experience less resistance.

Why get a reading?

Getting a professional Human Design reading can save you years (sometimes decades) of trying to figure out why you are the way you are

A Human Design reading is the key to unlocking your unique path to alignment and personal fulfilment. Instead of one-size-fits-all advice, this reading provides you with a custom roadmap based on your specific energy blueprint. Here’s why getting a reading can transform your life:


Are you constantly feeling drained or stuck? Discovering your Human Design energy type helps you understand how to manage your energy in a way that supports your well-being. Whether you’re a Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, or Reflector, each type has its own strategy for success and ease. Knowing this can make a world of difference in how you approach both small decisions and major life changes.


Have you ever struggled with making decisions that feel right for you?
Your Human Design reading will reveal your inner authority, which is your personal decision-making compass. Whether it’s about trusting your gut, waiting for emotional clarity, or listening to your own voice, you’ll learn the specific method that helps you make decisions with confidence and ease.


Your chart holds the key to understanding your life’s purpose and where you can naturally shine. If you’ve ever felt lost or unsure about your direction, a Human Design reading helps you align with your natural gifts and talents. It empowers you to embrace your true purpose and live a life that feels deeply satisfying.


Over time, most of us are conditioned to live out of alignment with who we truly are, following societal norms or expectations from others.
A Human Design reading gives you an accurate map of where you’ve been pulled off track and helps you return to your authentic self. By knowing how you’re most likely to be conditioned and releasing this conditioning, you can break free from the limitations holding you back and live in your true power.


Human Design offers insights into how you’re designed to interact with others. By understanding your unique energy dynamics, you can improve your communication, set healthier boundaries, and create more harmonious relationships. A reading can also provide insights into the designs of those around you, giving you deeper empathy and understanding.

Why work with me?

My Human Design is a 6/2 splenic Projector.
My Design is to see you clearly as a Guide.

With my extensive background in all of the systems that Human Design is made up of I am also uniquely positioned for deeper understanding.

I have over 25 years of studying Astrology. I have deep understanding of the Kabbalistic Tree of life and a lifetime of studying energy and the Vedic tradition, including the chakras. I have also used the I Ching for over 20 years. And reading about Quantum physics is one of my favourite hobbies.

I have been in my Human Design experiment for over 10 years.In 2023 I got a certification in a 3 month intensive Course in Human Design with Phoebe Kuhn. I chose it because if it’s practical, actionable approach to using Human Design in your day to day life. It was called Human Design for Business but it also went very deep into Shadow integration and how to decondition. 

With this background I offer a deeply embodied, holistic approach to your Human Design reading. I don’t just hand you information—I guide you through a transformational experience that helps you implement these insights in a meaningful way.

You’ll receive personalized, actionable guidance that integrates your Human Design with practical strategies for living a more aligned and fulfilling life.

In our consultations, I will act as your guide and translator, connecting the dots and providing practical guidance and clarity to answer any questions you may have. 

Want to dive deeper?

Ready to embark on a journey of deep self-discovery and personal growth? 

Your Human Design reading is the first step toward living in alignment with your true self. Whether you’re looking to make better decisions, understand your life’s purpose, or experience more ease and flow in your daily life, this reading offers deep insights and practical tools to support your journey.


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